Open letter from Irish Academics on Triple Lock

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4th March 2025

An Taoiseach, Mr. Micheál Martin TD

Department of the Taoiseach

Government Building

Merrion Street

Dublin 2

A Thaoisigh,

On behalf of the undersigned academics and university workers we write in response to the recent draft legislation to amend the State’s “triple lock” on the deployment of Defence Forces peacekeepers overseas.


For many years, Ireland has been a courageous voice on the international stage proudly championing peace initiatives even when doing so meant challenging the interests of the world’s most powerful nations. At the height of the Cold War, Minister Frank Aiken led efforts at the United Nations (UN) towards the creation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Similarly, Ireland advanced processes on the prohibition of nuclear weapons, cluster munitions, and anti-personnel landmines. Moreover, Ireland is the only nation with a continuous presence in the UN and UN mandated peace-support operations since 1958. Since the foundation of the state, Ireland has upheld its constitutional commitment to resolving international disputes peacefully, adopting a policy of neutrality that has kept Ireland out of foreign wars. Though this made Ireland an outlier among many of its European peers, it demonstrated a clear and unwavering commitment to peace. Ireland’s neutrality has served it well, earning it credibility and legitimacy on the global sphere as a peace-maker, a reputation that the people of Ireland are rightly immensely proud of.


We write today because we are alarmed at the cabinet’s decision to approve the scrapping of Ireland’s Triple Lock. The Triple Lock is a central component of Ireland’s neutral position because it essentially stands as a bulwark against deploying Irish troops unless there is a UN mandate to do so. In other words, the Triple Lock guarantees that troop deployment may only take place under the auspices of the UN system, as a guarantor of international peace and security. Removing the Triple Lock may sound the death knell on Irish neutrality.


In your capacity as opposition leader, you described the Triple Lock as being ‘at the core of our neutrality’. You now claim otherwise and your Government regularly informs the public not to conflate neutrality with the Triple Lock. Similarly, you acknowledged that although ‘the United Nations is not working as it should ... we must not abandon it as an essential part of the international system’. While the geopolitical and international context has changed over the past few years, there is no obvious justification to now abandon this ‘essential part of the international system’. It is easy to be neutral in times of peace. The real test, and where it matters most, is being neutral in times of war and heightened conflict. By undoing the Triple Lock, Ireland will significantly weaken its commitment to the UN system, UN peace-keeping and multilateralism. This would come at a time when the UN faces unprecedented challenges, particularly in the context of Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine.


The Government’s main argument for removing the Triple Lock rests on the claim that the UN Security Council holds a veto over the deployment of Irish troops overseas. This is misleading and incorrect. Yes, the United Nations Charter, a foundational document of international law, grants veto powers to the Permanent Five (P5) members. However, the government’s framing of these powers would suggest that P5 members specifically set out to stop Ireland from deploying troops. This is not the case. P5 vetoes are driven by geopolitical tensions, and a veto in respect of a peacekeeping mission would almost certainly stem from such tensions and the security concerns arising from the deployment of a proposed peacekeeping mission. In other words, if a peacekeeping mission was vetoed by a permanent member, and it was to attempt to deploy anyway, there is little likelihood that it would actually be able to keep the peace.


Moreover, although the UN Charter gives primary responsibility for international peace and security to the Security Council, General Assembly resolution 377 (V) also known as the ‘Uniting for Peace’ resolution sets out that ‘. . . if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with a view to making appropriate recommendations to Members for collective measures, including in the case of a breach of the peace or act of aggression, the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security’. In this regard, the Defence Amendment Act 2006 specifically makes reference to ‘a resolution of the Security Council or the General Assembly of the United Nations.’


Given the weak arguments for removing the Triple Lock, we are left to wonder if other motivations are at play, particularly at a time when the Government is also looking to significantly ramp up military spending. If Ireland acts outside the remit of the UN Charter and deploys troops on EU or NATO missions, it may quickly find itself in direct conflict with the world’s most powerful armies, some of which have nuclear warheads at their disposal. For us, it seems clear that the benefits of operating within the UN system far outweigh the risks associated with operating outside it.


Ireland is a small island nation. Its contribution on the global stage has been immense, punching far above its weight to promote peace and reject war. Considering that a recent opinion poll showed that 75 percent of Ireland’s population favours maintaining Ireland’s current policy of neutrality, it would appear that your Government has no mandate to revoke the Triple Lock. To the contrary, in a healthy democracy, a Government would transform such overwhelming popular support into concrete action by holding a referendum to enshrine neutrality in the Irish constitution.


At a time when the world appears to be on the brink of a global war and potential nuclear catastrophe, we urgently need global leaders to courageously face down warmongers and redouble their commitment to peace and neutrality, to genuine multilateralism, and to upholding the rule of law. Protecting the Triple Lock would send a message to the Irish people and to the global community that Ireland intends to do precisely that.

Is sinne, le meas

1. Prof Dónal Hassett, Maynooth University

2. Prof Camilla Fitzsimons, Maynooth University

3. Prof Karen Till, Maynooth University

4. Prof Gerry Kearns, Maynooth University

5. Prof John Barry, Queen’s University Belfast

6. Dr. Patrick Bresnihan, Associate Professor, Maynooth University

7. Dr. Rory Rowan, Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin 

8. Dr. Sharae Deckard, Associate Professor, University College Dublin

9. Dr. James Beirne, Critical Skills, Maynooth University

10. Dr Conor Crummey, Assistant Professor, Maynooth University

11. Dr. Barry Cannon, Associate Professor, Maynooth University.


12. Dr. Harun Šiljak, Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin

13. Dr. Eilish Dillon, Assistant Professor, Maynooth University

14. Dr. Eoin Flaherty, Maynooth University

15. Dr. Mark Walsh, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, Maynooth University

16. Dr. Anne Mulhall, Associate Professor, University College Dublin

17. Dr. John Reynolds, School of Law & Criminology, Maynooth University

18. Dr. Niamh Keady-Tabbal, Maynooth University

19. Dr Niamh Gaynor, Dublin City University

20. Ciarán Nugent, Maynooth University

21. Dr Peter Doran, School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast

22. Prof. John Morrissey, University of Galway

23. Dr. Patrick Brodie, University College Dublin

24. Dr. Illan Wall, University of Galway

25. Dr Paola Rivetti, Dublin City University 

26. Dr. Karen Devine, Dublin City University

27. Dr. Brendan Ciarán Browne, Associate Professor, Trinity College Dublin 

28. Dr. Rhiannon Bandiera, School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University 

29. Dr Heather Laird, School of English and Digital Humanities, University College Cork

30. Criostóir King, Maynooth University

31. Dr Niamh Wycherley, Maynooth University

32. Dr Susan Giblin, Maynooth University

33. Dr Theresa O'Keefe, Senior Lecturer, University College Cork 

34. Dr Paul Michael Garrett, University of Galway

35. Niamh Rooney, Maynooth University

36. Dr Catherine Ann Cullen, University College Dublin

37. Prof. Maggie O’Neill, University College Cork

38. Dr Deirdre Curran, University of Galway

39. Kevin Hearty, Queen’s University Belfast

40. Dr Mikael Fernstrom, University of Limerick

41. Dr Maria Barry, Dublin City University

42. Dr Deirdre Dunlevy, The Open University Ireland

43. Peter Maybury, TU Dublin

44. Dr Deirdre Kelly, TU Dublin

45. An Dr Dorothy Ní Uigín, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe

46. Seán Breathnach, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe

47. Dr Orla Kelleher, School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University

48. Prof Colin Coulter, Maynooth University

49. Dearbhla Ní Chúláin, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe 

50. Dr. Ellen McCabe, Atlantic Technological University

51. Orla Murphy, University College Dublin

52. Dr Harry Browne, TU Dublin

53. Dr. Fiona Murphy, Dublin City University 

54. Dr Elizabeth Kiely University College Cork

55. Dr Rebecca Usherwood, Trinity College Dublin

56. Eimear Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh, Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh

57. Dr Patrick Doyle, University of Limerick 

58. Prof Aoife Daly, University College Cork 

59. Brian Hand, National College of Art and Design

60. Prof. Jane Grogan, University College Dublin 

61. Dr Rosie R Meade, University College Cork

62. Dr V’cenza Cirefice, University of Galway

63. Elaine Mears, Atlantic Technological University

64. Louise Glynn, Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire

65. Prof Cathal Seoighe, University of Galway

66. Prof John Gray, University College London

67. Dr Aoife Titley, Maynooth University 

68. Dr Marie Moran, UCD

69. Dr Morten Greaves, UCD

70. Romeo Fraccari, University College Dublin

71. Robin Steve, University College Dublin

72. Prof Gavan Titley, Maynooth University

73. Dr Edel Hughes, Irish Centre for Human Rights, University of Galway 

74. Dr Mark Garavan, Atlantic Technological University

75. Prof. Abhay Pandit, University of Galway

76. Dr Michael. G. Cronin, Maynooth University

77. Dr Jo Murphy-Lawless, University of Galway

78. Alanna McLoughlin, University of Galway

79. Dr Roisin McMackin, Trinity College Dublin

80. Karen Young, University of Galway

81. Dr Aoife Boyd, University of Galway

82. An Dr Áine Nic Niallais, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe

83. Dr Danielle Hynes, Maynooth University 

84. Professor Máire Leane, UCC

85. Dr Amin Sharifi Isaloo, UCC

86. Geraldine Doolan, University of Galway

87. Darragh Coakley, Munster Technological University

88. Dr Heike Vornhagen, University of Galway

89. Professor Lucy-Ann Buckley, University of Limerick

90. Dr Deirdre Byrne, Atlantic Technological University

91. Marnie Holborow, Associate Faculty Dublin City University

92. Dr. Sarah Brazil, University of Geneva

93. Dr Verena Commins, University of Galway

94. Dr Alicia Castillo Villanueva, Dublin City University

95. Brian McMahon, Dept.Of Applied Social Studies, MTU Cork

96. Dr Fiadh Tubridy, Maynooth University

97. Dr Cian O’Callaghan, Trinity College Dublin

98. Alexandra McDonagh, University of Galway

99. Mairéad Ní Scanláin, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe

100. Sian Cowman, Department of Media Studies, Maynooth University

101. Jacqueline Ní Fhiannachta, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe 

102. Seán Rainford, Dublin City University

103. Stephanie Larkin, University College Cork

104. Cáit Fahy, University of Galway

105. Dr  Noha Atef, University of Galway

106. Dr Juliette Davret, Maynooth University 

107. Dr Matt Prout, University College Dublin

108. Dr. Nessa Ní Chasaide, Maynooth University

109. Dr Máire Ní Mhórdha, Ollscoil Mhaigh Nuad 

110. Prof. Des Fitzgerald, University College Cork

111. Dr Rita Sakr, Maynooth University

112. Dr Alessandra Accogli, Dublin City University

113. Dr Jamie McLoughlin, University College Dublin 

114. Dr Chris Noone, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe / University of Galway

115. Dr Natasha Remoundou-Howley, UCD & AUG 

116. Dr. Majella Mulkeen, ATU

117. Edel Sullivan MTU Cork School of Music

118. Dr. Keefe Murphy, Maynooth University

119. Dr Edward Brennan, TU Dublin.

120. Dr. Tristan Sturm, Queens University Belfast

121. Dr. Gillian McNaull, Ulster University

122. Dr Sinéad Hynes, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe 

123. Sara O’Rourke, Maynooth University

124. Dr Tom Campbell, Assistant Professor, Maynooth University

125. Dr Amy Strecker, University College Dublin

126. Dr Eman Abboud, Trinity College Dublin

127. Maeve McGandy, Trinity College Dublin

128. Deirdre Winrow, University of Galway

129. Robert Heffernan, Munster Technological University

130. Dr. Michael Hinds, Dublin City University

131. Prof. Laurence Cox, Maynooth University

132. Prof. Cahal McLaughlin, Queen’s University Belfast

133. Dr. Úna Monaghan, Queen’s University Belfast

134. Dr Julie Bates, Trinity College Dublin

135. Dr. Eoin Daly, University of Galway

136. Dr Darren J. Murphy, Munster Technological University

137. Dr Martha Shearer, University College Dublin

138. Sinéad Mercier, University College Dublin 

139. Dr. Karen Smith, University College Dublin

140. Dr. Brenda Gallagher, University of Galway

141. Dr. Rachel O’Dwyer, National College of Art and Design

142. Dr Elizabeth Meade, Maynooth University

143. Prof. Shane Darcy, University of Galway

144. Dr Ailish Breen, ATU 

145. Prof. Eugenia Siapera, UCD

146. Dr Su-ming Khoo, University of Galway

147. Dr Thomas Conway, University of Galway

148. Dr David Hughes, University College Dublin

149. Elaine O’Mahony, University College Cork

150. Dr Chris Doyle, University of Galway

151. Dr Stephen O’Neill, Trinity College Dublin

152. Dr Maeve Connolly, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology 

153. Dr. Shivaun Quinlivan, Associate Professor, University of Galway

154. Prof. Mary Gallagher, University College Dublin, MRIA, Chevalier dans l’ordre des palmes académiques

155. Prof, Emeritus Phil Scraton, School of Law, Queen’s University, Belfast

156. Prof. Ray Murphy, University of Galway

157. An Dr Andrew Ó Baoill, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe

158. Dr. Kevin Farrell, TU Dublin

159. Dr Caroline Jagoe, Trinity College Dublin

160. Dr Melanie Labor, Maynooth University

161. Dr. Peter Tansey, Assistant Professor, UCD 

162. Dr Richard Lombard-Vance, Dublin City University 

163. Dr Lydia Sapouna, University College Cork

164. Kevin O’Callaghan, Atlantic Technological University 

165. Dr Fergal Finnegan, Maynooth University

166. Dr Kate McCarthy, South East Technological University

167. Órla O’Donovan, University College Cork

168. Dr Úna Kealy, South East Technological University

169. Dr Davy Walsh. Atlantic Technological University

170. Dr Maria Lichrou, University of Limerick

171. Prof. Emeritus Lionel Pilkington, University of Galway

172. Dr Susan McDonnell, ATU Sligo

173. Dr Gerard Farrell, Trinity College Dublin

174. Dr Brian Kelly. Queen’s University Belfast

175. Dr Jennifer O’Mahoney, South East Technological University

176. Conor Lawlor, ATU Sligo

177. Dr John Murray, Maynooth University

178. Maggie Ronayne, University of Galway

179. Dr. William Abbott, Trinity College Dublin

180. Cáit Murphy, Trinity College Dublin

181. Mnemosyne Rice, Trinity College Dublin

182. Jonathan Cosgrove, Trinity College Dublin

183. Maria Dimitropoulou, Trinity College Dublin

184. James Cumiskey. Trinity College Dublin.

185. Soraya Afzali. Trinity College Dublin

186. Begoña Sangrador-Vegas, University of Galway

187. Dr Kathleen Stokes, Dublin City University

188. Prof. Roger Little, Trinity College Dublin

189. Kevin Organ, Trinity College Dublin 

190. Dr Maeve O’Rourke, University of Galway

191. Dennis McNulty, Trinity College Dublin.

192. Dr. Siobhán Airey, Erasmus University Rotterdam

193. Dr. Elizabeth Nixon, Trinity College Dublin.

194. Dr. Donna Rodgers-Lee, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

195. Dr. Kevin Brennan, Technical University of Denmark

196. Dr Mary McAuliffe, University College Dublin

197. Prof Evan Keane, Trinity College Dublin

198. Samantha Williams, Trinity College Dublin

199. Dr. Féilim Ó hAdhmaill, University College, Cork.

200. Dr Alfredo Ormazabal, Trinity College Dublin

201. Dr. Fionnuala Conway, Trinity College Dublin

202. Luke Hussey, Trinity College Dublin

203. Dr Michael Pierse, Queen's University Belfast

204. Dr Síobhra Aiken, Queen’s University Belfast

205. Dr Alastair Daly, Trinity College Dublin

206. Dr. Pádraig Fhia Ó Mathúna, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe

207. Dr. Ann-Marie Morrissey, University of Limerick

208. Anne Kelly, National College of Art and Design

209. Dr Billy O’Brien, MTU Cork School of Music

210. Dr Ricki O’Rawe, Queen’s University Belfast

211. Gabriel Coleman, Trinity College Dublin

212. Dr. Alan D.P. Brady, Trinity College Dublin 

213. Ailbhe Smyth, University College Dublin

214. Charles Zemp, Trinity College Dublin

215. Dr. Jeremy Auerbach, University College Dublin 

216. Prof. John Maguire, Emeritus, University College, Cork.

217. Dr Sarah Comyn, University College Dublin

218. Mairéad O’Donnell, Trinity College Dublin

219. Elizabeth O’Shaughnessy, Trinity College Dublin

220. Dr Scott McKendry, Queen’s University Belfast

221. Sinéad Kelly, Trinity College Dublin

222. Dr Susie Deedigan, Queen’s University Belfast

223. Dr Mary Rambaran-Olm, Public Historian, Public Humanities Editor

224.  Dr Michelle Rouse, Ulster University 

225. Prof Helena Sheehan, Dublin City University

226. Christopher McAteer, Social and Political Thought, York University, Canada

227. Coralie Mureau, University of Galway

228. Isabel Milano, Trinity College Dublin 

229. Dr Sharon Lambert, University College Cork

230. Dr. Laurence Davis, University College Cork 

231. Prof Pat Brereton. Dublin City University

232.  Maryam Yabo, Trinity College Dublin

233.  Dr Conor Caldwell, Ollscoil Luimnigh

234.  Dr. Eamonn Slater, Maynooth University

235. Paul Goldrick-Kelly, Maynooth University

236. Shane Reynolds, University of Limerick 

237. Caroline Godard, Ollscoil Luimnigh / University of Limerick

238. Zoë Lawlor, University of Limerick 

239. Dr Emer McHugh, Queen’s University Belfast

240. Prof Mary Gilmartin, Maynooth University

241. Dr Elizabeth Farries, University College Dublin

242. Dr Martin Sokol, Associate Professor, Trinity College Dublin

243. Dr Kate Antosik-Parsons, Trinity College Dublin

244. Professor Fintan Sheerin, Maynooth University

245. Dr. Sarah Robinson, University College Cork 

246. Dr. Samuel Mutter, Maynooth University

247. Dr Niamh McCrea, SETU 

248. Prof. David Lloyd, University of California, Riverside

249. Dr Mike Murphy, University College Cork

250. Dr Emanuela Ferrari, Maynooth University

251. Siobhan Kangataran, Munster Technological University

252. Kathryn Ammon, Trinity College Dublin

253. Adrienne Horan, University of Limerick

254. Bernie Grummell, Maynooth University

255. Dianne Kirby, Ulster University

256. Prof. Seán Kennedy, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax/Kjipuktuk

257  Michael Mahadeo, Ulster University

258. Dominic Guilding, Trinity College Dublin Libraries 

259. Dr Claire Bracken, Union College, New York 

260. Míde Power, Trinity College Dublin

261. Dr Emma Campbell, Ulster University

262. Dr Clare Gallagher, Ulster University

263. Jeffrey Seathrún Sardina, Coláiste na Tríonóide

264. Dr Kevin De Ornellas, Ulster University

265. Dr Deirdre Foley, Trinity College Dublin

266. Dr Liam McGlynn, TU Dublin

267. Dr. Edward Molloy, Saint Mary's University,  Halifax/Kjipuktuk

268. Dr Gertrude Cotter, UCC

269. Prof. Patricia Lundy, Ulster University 

270. Dr Oona Frawley, Maynooth University

271. Enda Russell, Trinity College Dublin

272. Dr Ross Carroll, Dublin City University

273. Dr Alexandros Minotakis, University College Dublin

274. Prof. Patrick Crowley, University of Galway

275. Dr Maria Parsons, IADT

276. Dr Celeste McNamara, Dublin City University

277. Srimoyee Biswas, Trinity College Dublin 

278. Nora NiFhlatharta, Technical University of the Shannon 

279. Marion Kiely, University College Cork

280. Dr Marcas Mac Coinnigh, Queen’s University Belfast

281. Dr Beatrice Smyth, Queen's University Belfast 

282. Morgiane Noel, Trinity College Dublin

283. Professor Luigina Ciolfi, University College Cork 

284. Kevin McParland, Dundalk Institute of Technology

285. Professor Maeve McCusker, Queen’s University Belfast

286. Professor Michael Cronin, Trinity College Dublin

287. Dr. Beyza Yaman, Trinity College Dublin

288. Mairéad Cluskey, Atlantic Technological University

289. Dr Will Fleming, Trinity College Dublin

290. Professor Jennie Stephens, Maynooth University

291. Ciarán Hartley, Dublin City University

292. Dr Charlie Kerrigan, Trinity College Dublin

293. Sarah Dunne, Trinity College Dublin

294. Dr Max Bledstein, University College Dublin

295. Dr Adam Kelly, University College Dublin

296. Dr Cathal Billings, University College Dublin 

297. Dr. Katherine Fama, University College Dublin

298. Dr. Giulia M. Cipriani, University College Dublin

299. Dr Mary Naughton, University College Dublin

300. Dr. Seán Clancy, University College Dublin

301 Dr Kelly Fitzgerald. University College Dublin

302. Dr Sarah Donnelly,University College Dublin

303. Cristin O’Gorman, University College Dublin

304. Dr Declan Fahie, University College Dublin

305. Dr. Niamh Pattwell, University College Dublin

306. Oksana Osiniene, University College Dublin

307. Dr Adrian Howlett, Trinity College Dublin

308. Dr. Lori-Rae van Laren, University of Galway

309. Dr Avishek Nag, University College Dublin

310. Niall James Holohan, University College Dublin

311. Dr Thomas Waller, University College Dublin

312. Dr. Páraic Kerrigan, Assistant Professor, University College Dublin

313. Dr Naomi McAreavey, University College Dublin

314. Professor Kalpana Shankar, University College Dublin

315. Andrew Breen, Trinity College Dublin 

316. Dr. Lucy Blennerhassett, University College Dublin

317. Dr Adrian Scahill, Maynooth University

318. Professor Ian Davidson, University College Dublin

319. Dr Ciara Bracken-Roche, Maynooth University

320. Niamh Whelan, University College Dublin

321. Dr Irial Glynn, University College Dublin

322. Dr Ríona Nic Congáil, University College Dublin

323. Dr Dean Phelan, University College Dublin

324. Fiona Power, University College Dublin

325. Emeritus Professor Alan Titley UCC

325. Dr Christie Nicoson, University College Dublin

326. Dr Werd Al-Najim, University College Dublin 

327. Kathryn Kane, University College Dublin

328. JoAnn McComish, University College Dublin

329. John Cassidy, University College Dublin

330. Dr Kevin Daly, University College Dublin

331. Dr Paul Hudide, University College Dublin

332. Dr Maly Morshad Ahmad, University College Dublin

333. Dr Fangzhe Qiu, University College Dublin

334. Dr Luca Pistilli, University College Dublin

335. Natalia Silverio, University College Dublin

336. Prof. Desmond J Tobin, University College Dublin 

337. Alexandra Day, Trinity College Dublin

338. Dr Orlaith Darling, University College Dublin

339. Patrick Ryan  University College Dublin

340. Dr John P Gilmore, University College Dublin

341. Professor Kathleen Lynch University College Dublin 

342. Dr. Muhammad Shahid University College Dublin

343. Dr Bartosz Bieszczad, University College Dublin / Technological University Dublin

344. Dr Sarah Sinnamon, University College Dublin

345. Oisin O’Connor, University College Dublin

346. Joe Houghton, University College Dublin

347. Dr  Garrett Greene , UCD

348. Dr. Dimuthu Rathnayake, University College Dublin

349. Karen O’Shea University College Dublin

350. Dr Marina Everri, University College Dublin

351. Frances Downey, University College Dublin 

352. Professor Eleni Mangina, University College Dublin

353. Aisling Judge, University College Dublin

354. Jamie Plant, University College Dublin

355. Félix Balado, University College Dublin

356. Dr. Brynne Gilmore, University College Dublin

357. Dr. Karen Wade, University College Dublin

358. Professor Katherine O’Donnell, University College Dublin

359. Dr. Matthew Donoghue, University College Dublin

360. Mikhail Romanov, University College Dublin

361. Dr Niamh Campbell, University College Dublin

362. Dr Jacqui O’Riordan, University College Cork (retired)

363. Mike FitzGibbon, University College Cork (retired)

364. Dr Marco Bellardi, University College Dublin

365. Dr Iarfhlaith Watson, University College Dublin

366. Dr Mary Moran, University College Dublin

367. Dr Róisín Ní Ghallóglaigh, University of Limerick

368. Dr Sarah Raine, University College Dublin

369. Dr Joanne McEntee, University College Dublin

348. Dr. Dimuthu Rathnayake, University College Dublin

349. Karen O’Shea University College Dublin

350. Dr Marina Everri, University College Dublin

351. Frances Downey, University College Dublin 

352. Professor Eleni Mangina, University College Dublin

353. Aisling Judge, University College Dublin

354. Jamie Plant, University College Dublin

355. Félix Balado, University College Dublin

356. Dr. Brynne Gilmore, University College Dublin

357. Dr. Karen Wade, University College Dublin

358. Professor Katherine O’Donnell, University College Dublin

359. Dr. Matthew Donoghue, University College Dublin

360. Mikhail Romanov, University College Dublin

361. Dr Niamh Campbell, University College Dublin

362. Dr Jacqui O’Riordan, University College Cork (retired)

363. Mike FitzGibbon, University College Cork (retired)

364. Dr Marco Bellardi, University College Dublin

365. Dr Iarfhlaith Watson, University College Dublin

366. Dr Mary Moran, University College Dublin

367. Dr Róisín Ní Ghallóglaigh, University of Limerick

368. Dr Sarah Raine, University College Dublin

369 Dr Joanne McEntee, University College Dublin

370. Martin Heduan, University College Dublin

371. Dr Niamh McGuirk, Dublin City University

372. Dr Barbara Gornicka, University College Dublin

373. Niamh Byrne, Community Engagement Officer, University College Dublin


374. Dr. Enrico Secchi, Assistant Professor, University College Dublin

375. Cari Burke, University College Dublin 

376. Dr Karen Keaveney, University College Dublin

377. Dr. Catriona Clutterbuck, University College Dublin

378. Dr. Boris Kholodenko, University College Dublin

379. Dr Nasrin Khandoker, University College Cork

380. Professor Mary Gallagher, University College Dublin

381. Dr. Alexey Lastovetsky, University College Dublin

382. David Ó Laigheanáin, University College Dublin

383. Brian Spring, University College Dublin

384. Ann Marie Byrne, University College Dublin

385. Dr Thomas Cummins, University College Dublin

386. Dr. Katharina Swirak, University College Cork

387. Dr Ricardo Segurado, University College Dublin

388. Dr. Ana Ivasiuc, University College Dublin

389. Dr. Fionnuala Brennan, South East Technological University

390. Dr Seán L’Estrange, University College Dublin

391. Dr Paul Breen, University College London

392. Dr. Henry Silke, University of Limerick

393. Dr. Tom O’Dea, National College of Art and Design

394. Dr. Laure Tymowski, Maynooth University

395. Renee Prendergast, Queen’s University Belfast

396. Dr. Alessio Cozzolino, University College Dublin

397. Dr. Claire Brophy, Centre for Cultural Analytics, UCD

398. Dr. Alessia Paccagnini, University College Dublin

399. Dr. Eimear Rosato, independent researcher

400. Fiona Roche, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe

401. Dylan Murphy, University College Dublin

402. Tim Groenland, Research Fellow, University College Dublin

403. Dr Linda Moore, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Ulster University

404. Dr. Aisling O’ Beirn Ulster University

405. Dr Isabel Arce Zelada, University College Dublin

406. Dr. Teresa Degenhardt, Queen's University Belfast

407. Ralph Armstrong-Astley, Trinity College Dublin

408. Dr Eileen Hogan, University College Cork

409. Dr Gerard Cagney, University College Dublin

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