American Statement of Support for PANA and Shannonwatch

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American Statement of Support for the Peace & Neutrality Alliance and Shannonwatch and their Opposition to Irish Participation in the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

As American peace activists working to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, we support the efforts of our colleagues in the Irish peace movement to draw attention to and to oppose the use of Shannon Airport by the Pentagon as part of the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In particular, we support the demonstration called by PANA & Shannonwatch for October 10, 2010, marking the ninth anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan.

Robert Naiman, Policy Director, Just Foreign Policy
John Feffer, Co-Director, Foreign Policy in Focus*
Tom Hayden, Peace and Justice Resource Center, Culver City, CA
Kevin Martin, Executive Director, Peace Action
Judith LeBlanc, National Field Organizer, Peace Action
Medea Benjamin, Co-founder, CODEPINK
Gael Murphy, Co-founder, CODEPINK
Dave Robinson, Executive Director, Pax Christi USA
Ray McGovern, Tell the Word, Church of the Saviour, Washington, DC
Jake Diliberto, Co-Founder, Veterans for Rethinking Afghanistan
Seamus O'Sullivan, Assistant Professor, Social Sciences, American University of Afghanistan
Michael Carrigan, Community Alliance of Lane County, Eugene, Oregon
David Swanson, Founder, War Is A
Mark D. Stansbery, Columbus, Ohio

*Affiliation for identification purposes only.

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