Majority oppose funding the EU Arms Industry

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The Peace & Neutrality Alliance totally condemns the decision of the Irish Government to give €12 million as an incentive to EU arms manufacturers as surveys reveal that the majority of people in Ireland and across the EU support peace and economic development.

About €12 million in Irish funds will go towards a €1 billion European Union initiative to replenish the ammunition and missile stockpiles of member states, which have been severely depleted by the war in Ukraine. The Act in Support of Ammunition Production (Asap) was drafted last year as an urgent measure to increase munitions production in Europe by offering incentives to arms manufacturers. (details below)

Last year PANA released the results of a major new commissioned Ipsos Omnipoll (May 2023), showing 87% of people in Ireland support a ceasefire to facilitate negotiations in the Ukraine war.

The western think tank Institute for Global Affairs in their recent annual research (June 2024) on geopolitics and global affairs THE NEW ATLANTICISM compared changing attitudes across the US, UK, France, and Germany, included this question.

Should the NATO member countries push for a negotiated settlement for the war in Ukraine? When the list of options is added up, Yes in the United States totals 94%, Yes in Western Europe totals 88%.

More support a negotiated settlement to end the war, with a plurality of Americans and Western Europeans citing the loss of life and casualties as a primary reason.

A massive swing to centre-right and far-right MEPS will have a major influence on the 720 seat European parliament and the prospect of a second term for the controversial pro-war European commission president Ursula von der Leyen.

National leaders across the EU especially those in France and Germany may now listen to that growing opposition to war and that ever-increasing military spending, hopefully they will reflect the democratic will of their populations.

Roger Cole of PANA stated, Taoiseach Simon Harris could once again show how Irish neutrality is opposed to all wars, lead that opposition to ever-increasing EU militarisation and call for a ceasefire and negotiations to end the ongoing horrific slaughter in Ukraine.

To confirm this Press Statement, contact…

Tom Crilly, Communications Officer, PANA,

Roger Cole, Chairperson, PANA,

Padraig Mannion, Irish Language Spokesperson, PANA,

For more information:

Ireland to spend €12 million refilling EU arm stockpiles. Act in Support of Ammunition Production designed to restock member states’ armouries depleted by Ukraine war,

by Conor Gallagher of the Irish Times.

94% of Americans want to end Ukraine war, but US rejects China peace deal, opposes talks with Russia. Geopolitical Economy Report.

Whilst the US is the biggest military aid donor to Ukraine, along with individual countries, EU institutions committed the largest aid package of €85 Billion to Ukraine.

Leaders of the BRICS countries meet for the Second Day in Russia… TRT World

Stop Arming Israel 12pm, this Saturday 15th June, Barnardo Square, Dublin City Hall, 3 Dame St., D2…

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