The Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA) was established in December 1996 in Dublin. PANA seeks to advocate an Independent Irish Foreign Policy, defend Irish Neutrality and to promote a reformed United Nations as the Institution through which Ireland should pursue its security concerns.

PANA’s first major campaign was to oppose the Amsterdam Treaty. We sought a Protocol, similar to that already achieved by Denmark, that would exclude Ireland from the militarisation of the EU. PANA was the main alliance in the referendum campaign seeking to reject the Treaty and 37% of people voted NO.

This was a substantial increase in the number of Irish people voting no from previous EU referendums.

We next campaigned to ensure there was a referendum before Ireland joined NATO’s PfP. We again lost, insofar as the government joined without a referendum. Yet the erosion of Irish Neutrality was again highlighted.

We organised a major Conference on Transforming the United Nations which helped to consolidate our growing status as an Alliance.

We campaigned against the Nice Treaty where we again sought a Protocol similar to that already achieved by the Danes and this time we won.

The government were forced to agree to a Declaration on Neutrality, an addition to the Constitution which meat that Ireland could not join an EU common defence without a referendum. While the 2nd referendum was passed the NO vote increased despite the concessions.

There is therefore clear evidence that approximately 37-40% of the Irish people support Irish Independence, Democracy and Neutrality and oppose the transformation of the EU into a Federal superstate.

PANA is now campaigning against the government decision to allow Shannon airport to be used by the US in its war of conquest of Iraq.

The Peace and Neutrality Alliance is affiliated to the Peace and Human Rights Network and TEAM, the European Anti-Maastricht Movement, which seek to bring together like-minded groups in Europe and co-operate with similar groups throughout the world.

The Board / National Executive Committee

The full PANA Board/NEC is constituted by members elected at the AGM and a representative appointed by each affiliated Group.

Roger Cole
Padraig Mannion
Paddy Maguire
Honorary President
Jimmy Kelly
Communications Officer
Liz Jennings
International Secretary
Dr Ed Horgan
Research Officer
Joe Murphy
Ordinary Members

Annual General Meeting

The AGM of PANA was held on Saturday, 4 November 2024 Irish Labour History Society, Beggars Bush, Dublin 4.

  1. It is within the OSCE and a reformed United Nations, and not the EU, that Ireland should pursue its security concerns.
  2. Ireland should pursue a positive neutrality and independent foreign policy and not join or form an association with any military alliance, such as the WEU or NATO.
  3. Ireland should seek to promote European and international security through a policy of disarmament and demilitarisation and should therefore oppose the militarisation of the EU.
  4. Ireland should refuse to cooperate with or condone in any way policies or military groupings which maintain nuclear weapons or any weapons of mass destruction.
  5. Irish troops should only serve abroad as peacekeepers under the auspices of the UN.
European Union
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
United Nations
Western European Union
  1. The name of the organization is the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA).
  2. PANA has five objectives.
  3. Membership is open to all groups and individuals that agree With its objectives.
  4. PANA shall hold an annual Conference to elect the Following positions;

    – Chair
    – Secretary
    – Treasurer
    – International Secretary
    – Research Officer
    – Public relations Officer
    – 3 ordinary members
  5. The National Executive of PANA shall consist of the members elected at the Annual Conference and a representative of each of the affiliated groups. Each individual and affiliated group that has paid the annual affiliation fee shall have one vote at the AGM.
  6. The National Executive has the right to co-opt 3 members. The National Executive shall implement policy in accordance with PANA’s aims and objectives. It shall decide the frequency of meetings. The National Executive shall appoint an honorary President and Vice –Presidents. In the event of an elected member leaving before the next AGM, the National Executive shall have the right to fill the vacancy via co-option.
  7. The Chair of PANA shall be the principal spokesperson for PANA. The Chair must consult with the secretary, or in the unavailability of the Secretary, one of the other officers, on issues that arise not previously agreed by the NE.
  8. The articles of the Constitution of PANA can be changed by way of resolution presented to the Annual conference by an individual or affiliated group in writing a month before. A simple majority of those entitled to vote, except articles 1 and 2, which need a two-thirds majority, can change all articles.
  9. The Annual General Meeting is the supreme policy making body of PANA.

A wide range of groups and a growing number of individual are affiliated to PANA, including these groups:

Action from ireland
Centre for global
Communist party
of ireland
Communications Workers Union
Irish National Congress
Mandate union
Sinn Fein

More organisations affiliated with PANA

An Conrad Ceiltech / The Celtic League
Cuba Support Group
Dublin Council of Trade Unions
The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
National Platform
Pax Christi
Republican Sinn Féin
Tipperary Workers & Unemployed Group
Transport & Salaried Staff Association (TSSA)
Unite the Union
Waterford Community Group
Worker’s Party
World Without War

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